My academic intention in my decision to study abroad was the following:
1) Increase my German language proficiency, specifically in my writing and professional vocabulary
2) Prepare myself for a potential career in Germany
3) Take courses that are not available at UGA but still very applicable to my future career
So far, I can proudly say that I feel much more confident in speaking German. In fact, I am almost proud when I make a mistake in English since it is getting harder to speak it (meaning my German is getting better..yayyy). I have actually been considering changing my career to teaching German as a second language. My studies so far have been towards speech pathology, however my interests are turning more and more towards teaching German to children. Fortunately, my courses in Speech pathology have been relevant and can assist me in whatever future career I pursue since it required me to take many linguistic and language acquisition courses. I am still in the process of applying to graduate programs in both disciplines since I have not made up my mind yet and would like to keep my options open. The longer I stay here, the more confident I become in my new decision. I truly can say that this experience is changing me as a person for what I believe is the better.
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