Friday, October 16, 2015

Getting settled in Bamberg

Before coming to Bamberg, I had done little research of the area or the University itself. After taking my first walk through the city centre, I knew that it would not take long for me to feel at home. Unlike the campus at the University of Georgia, which is built unified within specific boundaries, Otto-Friedrich Universitaet Bamberg has its campus dispersed in various former convents, mills, and city halls throughout the city. Searching for my classes has been entertaining, since I always find myself discovering the secrets of the campus whenever I make a wrong turn or walk down the wrong hall. Classes here have also been surprisingly interesting. For my first semester here, I decided to take classes that would better orient me in my surroundings and perfect my German language. I intend to take classes with the native-Germans next semester, but for now, I am excited to learn about the city of Bamberg, stereotypes and mentalities of its inhabitants, while facilitating a potential future in the German work force by taking a German business language class and Applied Linguistics. While Bamberg is known for its dense brewery count, students have much more to do than just sample all the local beers. Just to name a few, I have spent my time with friends picnicking at Schloss Seehof, hiking up one of the 7 hills that encompasses the city,  and touring the underground tunnels that were used as shelter for air raids in WW2...and of course to store beer. So far, the hardest adjustment that I have had to make while living here is getting used to the weather. It has rained nearly every day since I have been here and the temperatures continue to drop as the days go on.  Thankfully, everyone seems to stay in good spirits despite the gloomy weather by using these opportunities to meet in coffee shops and breweries until the weather invites them outside again.

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